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The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) launches a public consultation on the transposition of the European CSRD directive in Italy.

29 February 2024

(Italy) The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) launches a public consultation on the transposition of the European CSRD directive in Italy.

The CSRD aims to promote transparency and disclosure of information on the environmental, social and governance-related (ESG) of companies. This represents a significant step towards greater responsibility and sustainability within the company.

The consultation will be open until 18 March 2024, offering a valuable opportunity to participate and make your voice heard on this important topic.

The decree proposed by the MEF provides clear definitions and guidelines on the application of the directive, outlining the requirements for Italian companies.

As an agency specializing in environmental communications and sustainability, we appreciate the growing commitment to ESG reporting and transparency. And, thanks to our experience in the sector we can help and support companies in meeting these obligations and in effectively communicating their sustainability efforts.

We invite all interested parties to participate in the consultation by sending their comments and observations to dt.direzione5. ufficio5@mef.gov.it.

#CSRD #sustainability #MEF #reporting #environmentalcommunication